Are there ways to stimulate new brain cell growth? Experts weigh in

Post At: Jan 21/2024 12:10AM

As science and medicine continue to evolve, the question of whether new brain cell growth can happen is a common one. As such, when we came across a snippet suggesting that there are three common ways for new brain cell growth, we decided to ask our in-house experts whether practices like High-Intensity Interval Training, hot showers followed by a burst of cold water showers, and intermittent fasting (IF) can act as a shocker for the brain that helps with neurogenesis or new brain cell growth.

According to Dr Vinit Banga, associate director, neurology and head neuro intervention, BLK MAX Super Speciality Hospital, stimulating brain cell growth involves various factors. “Regular exercise, including High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), is associated with neurogenesis. Fasting may support brain health, but evidence on specific meal timing is limited,” said Dr Banga.

IF or intermittent fasting

IF helps in the neuronal plasticity of the brain and aids in improving brain functions. Two basic mechanisms come under play during IF, according to neurologist Dr Sudhir Kumar, Apollo Hospitals, Hyderabad

1. Metabolic switch – During periods of prolonged fasting, the fat becomes the preferred fuel in place of glycogen. Lipolysis is preferred over glycogenolysis. This metabolic pathway results in an increase in brain-derived neurotrophic factors (BDNF) in the blood as well as the brain.
2. Autophagy – It is a process where neurons remove dysfunctional or damaged components, aiding in repair. The longer the duration of fasting, the greater the benefits noted. “Periods of fasting should alternate with periods of normal feeding, for the above mechanisms to effectively take place. It should also be noted that most of these studies have been carried out in animals and very few in humans,” said Dr Kumar.

While intermittent fasting has shown potential cognitive benefits, specific claims about stimulating new brain cell growth from an 18-hour fasting pattern after a substantial breakfast and lunch are not conclusively supported by current scientific evidence. “Research on fasting and neurogenesis is ongoing, and individual responses can vary. It’s essential to consult with a neurologist for personalised advice on fasting and its potential effects on brain health,” said Dr Banga.

A burst of cold shower after hot shower

According to Dr Banga, cold exposure after a hot shower might have cognitive benefits, though its direct impact on cell growth is unclear. Finishing a hot shower with a quick cold one may invigorate you, but claims about stimulating brain cell growth lack scientific consensus. Cold exposure might offer temporary alertness, said Dr Banga.

How often do you do HIIT? (Source: Getty Images/Thinkstock)

Dr Kumar said that finishing every hot shower with a quick cold one, technically referred to as hydrotherapy is associated with multiple health-related benefits such as improvement in sleep quality, improvement in mood symptoms and reduction in depression, relief in musculoskeletal injuries/sprain; however, its effect on brain cell growth is not well-studied. “On the other hand, immersing the whole body (head out immersion) in hot water (420 C) for 20 minutes was shown to increase the levels of BDNF (Brain-derived neurotrophic factor),” said Dr Kumar.


Dr Banga said that high-intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has shown cognitive benefits, promoting neuroplasticity and enhancing brain function.

According to Dr Kumar, it is because of the increased production of BDNF by the brain in response to HIIT. The levels of BDNF return to normal within 60 minutes of stopping HIIT, he apprised.

Dr Kumar said that there are several other means of stimulating BDNF and promoting brain neuroplasticity, such as:

*Adequate sleep of 7-8 hours per night
*Socialising and spending time with loved ones
*Engaging in intellectually challenging activities, such as solving difficult crossword puzzles, Sudoku, etc.
*Carbohydrate-restricted and high-protein diet. The addition of exercise adds to the benefits (in increasing BDNF levels),
*Exposure of skin to sunlight


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