Is having flu and staying at home increasing your anxiety? Here’s how to deal with it

Post At: Jan 22/2024 01:10AM

Have you been holed up at home with the flu, which doesn’t seem to be ending any time soon? You’re not alone. Everyone seems to have something, especially since the Union Health Ministry announced in early January that India had recorded a single-day rise of 774 COVID-19 cases.

Anisha Jhunjhunwala, psychologist and emotional wellness coach at The Making of You, explained the experience of staying home with the flu becomes particularly complex against the backdrop of escalating COVID cases.

“Anxiety, a state of heightened worry or fear, is a common emotional response to the uncertainties brought on by illness. Physical discomfort, the prospect of isolation, and the constant influx of pandemic-related information can further intensify these anxiety levels,” she told in an interaction.

It is essential to identify the factors contributing to heightened anxiety during illness and implement practical strategies to manage and alleviate these concerns.

How can having the flu and staying home add to your anxiety?

According to Jhunjhunwala, these are some of the reasons why you might be feeling anxious.

– Isolation Amplification: The solitude of being home with the flu can trigger feelings of isolation, especially when considering the ongoing surge in COVID cases.

The fear of contracting or spreading the virus intensifies the sense of seclusion, contributing to heightened anxiety. (Source: Getty/Thinkstock)

– Pandemic Flashbacks: For those who endured challenging experiences during the previous waves of COVID, the resurgence of illness can act as a distressing reminder, potentially reviving painful memories and anxieties from the past. The disappointment of not having completely overcome the pandemic adds an additional layer of frustration.

– Media Influence: Continuous exposure to news about the increasing COVID cases may serve as a catalyst for anxiety. The constant stream of information can instill fear, uncertainty, and concerns about the severity of illness, further impacting mental well-being.

Coping Strategies for Anxiety While Home Alone with the Flu

– Limit News Consumption: Minimise exposure to constant COVID-related news to alleviate anxiety. Select specific times to gather updates from reliable sources, preventing information overload and unnecessary stress.

– Virtual Connections: Combat feelings of isolation by staying socially connected through virtual means. Video calls with friends and family provide emotional support, helping to alleviate loneliness during the recovery period.

– Prioritise Self-Care: Focus on physical well-being by following healthcare recommendations, getting sufficient rest, and staying hydrated.

Prioritising self-care positively impacts both physical recovery and mental health. (Source: Freepik)

– Relaxation Techniques: Engage in relaxation exercises like deep breathing, meditation, or gentle yoga to manage anxiety symptoms. These practices contribute to a sense of calm and aid in overall recovery.

– Seek Professional Support: If anxiety becomes overwhelming, consider consulting with a mental health professional. Telehealth options make it possible to receive remote support and guidance, ensuring assistance even while at home.

Navigating anxiety during illness requires a holistic approach that addresses both physical and mental well-being, especially in the challenging context of the ongoing COVID situation.

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