Seven Buddhist practices for cultivating inner peace and better living

Post At: Sep 16/2024 08:10PM

As we find ourselves more preoccupied than ever, finding inner peace and improving overall quality of life can often feel like a daunting task. 

But some simple Buddhist practices offer time-tested methods for cultivating serenity and enhancing well-being, focusing on mindfulness, compassion, and ethical living. Do you want to integrate them into your daily life? 

Dawa Lepcha, Buddhist practitioner, Rinchenpong, Sikkim offers insights into how you can achieve your truest potential. But, before you do that, it’s crucial to understand the key learnings or pillars of Buddhism.

Key learnings and pillars

Lepcha says, “Buddhism isn’t just a religion, it’s a way of life, a path to inner peace and wisdom.”

The Four Noble Truths

Think of these as the Buddha’s diagnosis and prescription for the human condition.

The Eightfold Path

This is Buddhism’s practical guide to living a good and meaningful life, leading to the end of suffering.

The Three Jewels

These are the core refuges or sources of guidance for Buddhists

*Suffering Exists: Life involves pain, loss, and dissatisfaction.

*Suffering Has a Cause: Craving and attachment fuel our suffering.

*Suffering Can End: It’s possible to find liberation from suffering.

*The Path to the End of Suffering: The Eightfold Path is the way to achieve this liberation.

*Wisdom: Right Understanding and Right Thought

*Ethical Conduct: Right Speech, Right Action, and Right Livelihood

*Mental Discipline: Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, and Right Concentration

*The Buddha: The enlightened teacher and role model

*The Dharma: The Buddha’s teachings

*The Sangha: The community of fellow practitioners


By regularly acknowledging the good in your life, you cultivate contentment and joy. (Source: Freepik)

Significance in the lives of practitioners

According to Lepcha, Buddhism offers a profound and transformative path, impacting its followers in many ways. By understanding the causes of suffering and practicing mindfulness, Buddhists develop greater emotional balance and contentment.

He states, “The emphasis on compassion, kindness, and non-harm guides individuals to live in harmony with themselves and others. Through meditation and contemplation, Buddhists gain a deeper understanding of themselves and the nature of reality.”

Buddhism provides a path to spiritual awakening and the realisation of one’s true potential. The Sangha offers a sense of belonging, support, and shared purpose.

7 Buddhist practices for inner peace, joy, and better living

Buddhism provides many practices that can enrich your life and foster inner peace. Here are seven key ones:

Mindfulness Meditation

By training your attention on the present moment, you cultivate greater awareness, reduce stress, and enhance well-being.

Loving-Kindness Meditation 

This practice involves extending feelings of love and compassion to yourself and others, fostering inner peace and connection.

Ethical Conduct 

By living in alignment with the ‘five precepts’ (avoiding killing, stealing, lying, sexual misconduct, and intoxicants), you create a foundation for a harmonious and peaceful life.


By giving freely of your time, resources, or skills, you cultivate a sense of abundance and connection to others.

Study and Contemplation 

By engaging with Buddhist teachings and reflecting on their meaning, you develop wisdom and insight.

Gratitude Practice 

By regularly acknowledging the good in your life, you cultivate contentment and joy.

Mindful Movement 

Practices like yoga, Tai Chi, or walking meditation help you connect with your body and cultivate present-moment awareness.

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