This is why you feel too lazy to move

Post At: Jul 25/2024 08:10PM

We’ve all been there — those days when the couch seems more inviting than the gym, and the mere thought of lacing up our sneakers feels like an insurmountable task. In a world where hustle culture reigns supreme, succumbing to bouts of laziness can trigger waves of guilt and self-doubt. However, the truth is that feeling unmotivated to move our bodies is a more complex phenomenon. 

Dr Pranav Honnavara Srinivasan, MD, DM, senior consultant gastroenterologist at Fortis Hospital, elaborates, “It boils down to both physical and mental barriers. Physically, fatigue from poor sleep, a sedentary lifestyle, or even nutritional deficiencies can zap your energy. If your diet lacks essential nutrients like iron or vitamin D, you might feel perpetually tired and weak, making the idea of exercise less appealing.”

On the mental side, stress, anxiety, and depression can play huge roles, he says. When your mind is occupied with worries or you’re feeling down, it’s tough to find the motivation to get moving. Even if you view exercise as boring or time-consuming, these mental blocks can prevent you from starting.

Impact of lifestyle factors

As mentioned, your lifestyle choices greatly impact how energetic or lazy you feel. Dr Srinivasan. elaborates on these factors:

Diet: Eating lots of processed foods and sugary snacks might give you a quick energy boost, but they often lead to a crash later on. To keep your energy levels steady, focus on a balanced diet filled with fruits, veggies, lean proteins, and whole grains.

Sleep: If you’re not getting enough shut-eye, your body can’t recharge properly, leaving you feeling groggy and unmotivated. Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night to help keep your energy levels up. 

Stress: Chronic stress raises your cortisol levels, which can drain your energy and leave you feeling fatigued. Incorporating stress-reducing activities like yoga, meditation, or even just deep breathing can help you maintain better energy levels.

To keep your energy levels steady, focus on a balanced diet (Source: Freepik)

Underlying medical conditions and deficiencies

Sometimes, low energy levels can be linked to underlying health issues or nutritional deficiencies. 

“Hypothyroidism, anemia, and diabetes are just a few conditions that can lead to chronic fatigue. If you’re constantly tired, it’s worth checking in with your doctor to rule out these conditions,” Dr Srinivasan recommends. 

Lacking key nutrients like iron, vitamin D, or B vitamins can make you feel tired and weak. A simple blood test can identify these deficiencies, and dietary changes or supplements can help. 

Practical strategies to overcome laziness and stay committed to fitness goals

Dr Srinivasan shares some practical tips to help you beat laziness and stay on track with your fitness goals:

Set SMART Goals: Create Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timed goals. Instead of saying ‘I want to exercise more,’ try ‘I will walk for 20 minutes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.’ This clarity helps boost your motivation. 

Enjoy What You Do: Choose activities that you actually enjoy. Whether it’s dancing, hiking, or playing a sport, finding joy in movement makes it feel less like a chore.

Build a Routine: Treat your workouts like important appointments. Schedule them into your calendar and maintain consistency. Over time, it will become a habit.

Start Small: Don’t overwhelm yourself with long and intense workouts. Start with short, manageable sessions and gradually increase the duration and intensity. This approach makes it easier to stay committed.

Get Social: Exercising with friends or joining a fitness class can add a fun, social element to your workouts. Having a workout buddy can also keep you accountable and motivated.

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