Fancy some armpit-sweat-infused rice balls? Here’s why this bizarre Japanese snack has gone viral

Post At: May 05/2024 03:10PM

Tradition intertwines with innovation when it comes to Japanese cuisine, loved by many across the world. Who doesn’t love fresh sushi or a hot bowl of udon noodles? However, amid all of this, a peculiar trend has emerged, captivating the attention of both locals and food enthusiasts worldwide.

What was once a humble snack, the beloved onigiri rice ball, has undergone an unconventional transformation, veering into realms of the bizarre and unexpected. According to a report by the South China Morning Post (SCMP), “The snack is now being prepared by young women who use their armpits to shape the balls, a strange culinary twist that has gone viral on social media.”

This unorthodox approach has propelled the age-old snack into uncharted territories of culinary experimentation, with restaurants openly demonstrating the process. Customers are now being allowed to see how sweat-infused rice balls are being prepared!

According to SCMP, scientists have noted the “sexual significance of armpits”, which could be the reason why people are willing to consume this snack. However, there have been cases of people being reluctant to try it out.

Can pheromones found in human sweat influence our perception of taste and emotions?

“A study from 2013 found that sweat from that area of the body contains a specific pheromone that can improve human emotions when smelled or licked,” according to SCMP.

Kanikka Malhotra, consultant dietician and diabetes educator, explains this phenomenon. She says, “Pheromones play a significant role in communication, signaling, mating, and social behaviors for many animal species. However, their role in human behaviour is complex and less definitively understood.”

Our sense of smell, she adds, is connected to areas of the brain responsible for emotions and memory. This may suggest a potential for sweat, which can contain pheromones, to evoke emotional responses. However, pinning specific emotional changes directly to human pheromones requires more robust research.

Our ability to taste is strongly influenced by our sense of smell. Therefore, it’s conceivable that if certain sweat-borne compounds affect our olfactory system, they might indirectly influence how we experience the taste of food. However, this is an area where clear scientific links are still being investigated.

Kanikka Malhotra, consultant dietician and diabetes educator explains this phenomenon. She says, “Pheromones play a significant role in communication, signaling, mating, and social behaviours for many animal species.” (Source: Freepik)

Cultural and psychological aspects that might be driving the popularity of this unconventional culinary creation

According to Malhotra, we need to consider both the cultural and individual motivations when it comes to such fascinating yet bizarre trends:

Japanese culture and food: Japan has a rich culinary history, with both traditional practices and a willingness to embrace the experimental. Unique, sometimes bizarre, food trends are a part of their cultural landscape.

The pursuit of the unique: For some, the appeal lies in the sheer novelty and the ability to say, “I’ve tried something completely different.” This connects to social media trends and a desire to share unusual experiences.

Challenging food norms: For others, there may be a desire to push boundaries and question what we consider ‘acceptable’ ingredients. This might be rooted in a rebellious spirit or a wish to defy traditional culinary norms.

Expert opinions regarding the consumption of food items prepared in such unorthodox ways

Sweat, like any bodily fluid, harbours bacteria. “Without stringent sanitisation, there’s a significantly increased risk of food poisoning, especially with foods that enable bacterial growth, like rice,” Malhotra informs.

The composition of sweat varies greatly depending on diet, health, and hygiene. Introducing potentially unknown elements into food increases the potential for adverse reactions.

Many would find the concept of consuming food mixed with sweat unpalatable, she says, raising ethical considerations about consent and bodily autonomy.

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