What happens to your body if you eat mint leaves or pudina every day?

Post At: Feb 09/2024 12:10AM

Mint leaves, with their refreshing aroma and cool flavour, are a common addition to kitchens across the globe. But what happens when you incorporate them into your daily diet?

We explore the potential benefits and drawbacks of a daily mint habit, with insights from G Sushma, a clinical dietician at CARE Hospitals Banjara Hills Hyderabad.

Mint-ing a Regular Habit: Safety First

There’s no “one size fits all” answer to how much mint is safe daily. Most people tolerate moderate amounts well, whether sprinkled on salads, brewed into tea, or used as a culinary accent. However, exceeding this moderate intake can trigger side effects in some individuals. Remember, moderation is key.

The Upside of Daily Mint

Digestive Delight: Mint has a long-standing reputation for aiding digestion and soothing tummy troubles. Its relaxing effect on the digestive tract muscles can ease indigestion and discomfort.

Fresher Breath, Naturally: Whether enjoyed raw or used in chewing gum, mint’s natural properties provide a breath-freshening boost.

Antioxidant Ally: Mint packs a punch of antioxidants, those helpful warriors that combat free radicals in the body.

Mental Minty Boost: The invigorating aroma of mint is believed to stimulate the brain, potentially enhancing alertness and cognitive function.

Anyone with a known allergy to mint or related plants should steer clear. (Source: Freepik)

The Downsides of Daily Mint

Heartburn Heartache: For some, mint can relax the lower esophageal sphincter, potentially increasing acid reflux symptoms.

Allergic Woes: Mint allergies, though less common, can cause skin reactions or other allergic symptoms in certain individuals.

GERD Got You Down?: Individuals with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) may experience worsened symptoms with excessive mint intake due to the sphincter relaxation effect.

Who Should Say No to Mint?

Little Tummies: Infants might find mint too strong, so caution is advised when considering its use in babies and young children.

GERD Grievances: As mentioned earlier, individuals with GERD should be mindful of their mint intake to avoid aggravating symptoms.

Allergy Alert: Anyone with a known allergy to mint or related plants should steer clear.

Remember: Each person reacts differently to mint. What works for one might not be suitable for another. If you have specific health concerns, consult your doctor or a registered dietician for personalised advice on incorporating mint into your diet safely and effectively.

Enjoy the refreshing world of mint responsibly, and reap the potential benefits while being mindful of your individual needs!

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