World Yoga Day: Is bloating your constant companion in summer? 5 doctor-approved asanas to try

Post At: Jun 21/2024 02:10PM
By: Gary

Summer’s scorching heat can wreak havoc on your digestive system, leading to uncomfortable bloating and acidity. But fear not, there’s a natural solution on the mat – yoga!

Dr Rajeev Rajesh, chief yoga officer at the Jindal Naturecure Institute, explains how yoga can be your summer saviour, and what better time to start your practice than on World Yoga Day!

“Yoga combats summer-related bloating and acidity by tackling the root causes,” said Dr Rajeev, highlighting three key benefits:

Improved Digestion: Certain postures stimulate the intestines and liver, aiding in efficient food breakdown and nutrient absorption.

Reduced Stress: Summer stress can exacerbate digestive issues. Yoga poses and breathing exercises promote relaxation, easing tension and creating a calmer internal environment for your gut.

Boosted Gut Health: Yoga postures promote circulation throughout the body, including the digestive system. This enhances nutrient delivery and waste removal, fostering a healthy gut environment.

Yoga combats summer-related bloating and acidity by tackling the root causes. (PTI Photo)

Cool down your digestion with these asanas

Here are 5 yoga poses recommended by Dr Rajeev to help you conquer summer bloating and acidity:

Pavanamuktasana (Wind-Relieving Pose): A gentle forward bend that releases trapped gas and soothes stomach discomfort. Hug your knees to your chest and gently rock side-to-side to feel the relief.

Malasana (Garland Pose): This deep squat pose encourages regular bowel movements and stimulates the colon. Squatting mimics our natural elimination posture, promoting healthy digestive flow.

Supine Twist: This gentle twist massages the internal organs and releases any stagnation in the digestive tract. The twist also stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, responsible for relaxation and digestion.

Balasana (Child’s Pose): While not directly targeting digestion, Child’s Pose is a restorative posture that can ease bloating and constipation. The inward focus and calming nature of this pose help release tension and promote relaxation, which can benefit your digestive system.

Uttanasana (Standing Forward Fold): This traditional forward fold enhances circulation and activates the abdominal organs. The gravitational pull draws blood and energy to the digestive tract, improving its overall function.

Embrace yoga this summer and say goodbye to bloating and acidity! With consistent practice, you can achieve a calmer mind, a healthier gut, and a more comfortable summer season. World Yoga Day can be the perfect kickstart to this journey towards a healthier you!

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