This is the surprising reason why Penelope’s hair in Bridgerton season 3 looks so luscious

Post At: May 19/2024 08:10PM

Season 3 of Bridgerton on Netflix delivers many treats, but none shine brighter than Penelope Featherington’s metamorphosis. Played by the captivating Nicola Coughlan, Penelope sheds her wallflower persona and blossoms into a confident woman, both inside and out.

Gone are the garish Featherington frocks. Penelope embraces a more mature and stylish wardrobe that flatters her figure and reflects her newfound self-assurance. The shift in colour palette is particularly striking – vibrant hues give way to sophisticated blues, greens, and purples, symbolising her departure from the family’s shadow.

A key detail? The “kiss curls” that appear in pivotal scenes with Colin Bridgerton. This historical hairstyle isn’t just about flirting; it frames her face, drawing attention to her newfound confidence. Even her hairstyles change – the once restrictive styles loosen up, mirroring her break from a timid past.

Remember Penelope’s luscious curls that glided down her back? Well, it was all thanks to the custom-made wigs Coughlin wore throughout filming. Jessie Deol and Erika Okvist, the hair and makeup designer for season three, told American magazine Allure, that the decision to use wigs was made for two reasons. First, the elaborate hairstyles would have taken a very long time to style with Coughlin’s real hair, which wouldn’t have been feasible given filming schedules. Second, wigs ensured consistency since some scenes required Coughlin to wear multiple hairstyles in one day, filmed at different times.

The wigs, seven in total, were made specifically to match Coughlin’s hairline, were quite expensive, costing between $8,000 and $8,500 each — which would translate to over ₹45, 81, 436 lakh rupees of wigs in total.

Remember Penelope’s luscious curls that glided down her back? Well, it was all thanks to the custom-made wigs Coughlin wore throughout filming. (Source: Netflix)

A symbol of empowerment

Penelope’s glow-up is more than a pretty face. It represents a powerful message of self-discovery and breaking free from limitations. In the status-obsessed world of Bridgerton, her transformation challenges societal norms and highlights the importance of inner strength.

It also reflects a changing society. Penelope’s rise from wallflower to woman of influence mirrors the shifts within Regency-era England. Her story underscores the growing recognition of women’s voices and their power to shape their own destinies, a message that resonates strongly with modern audiences.

Penelope’s glow-up deepens her character, drives the plot forward, and celebrates the power of personal transformation. As she steps into the spotlight, she brings with her a renewed sense of self and a powerful message about what we can all achieve when we embrace change.

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