Should you switch your fitness routine every few months?

Post At: Apr 22/2024 11:10PM

When it comes to fitness routines, the dilemma of whether to alter them or not every few months is a common one. 

Many people wonder if sticking with the same workout for an extended period is effective, or if switching routines regularly is better to see results in terms of building muscle and strength

According to Dr Pallavi Singh of Stride Podiatry, switching your exercise routine can come with several benefits, but what’s important is having a clear picture of your fitness goals.

“The key is finding a balance,” she says. Think about your goals, if you want to get stronger, focus on exercises you can get good at over time. If you just want to mix things up, try new activities like swimming or dancing! 

Furthermore, if you’re sore all the time, slow down the changes. Don’t forget the exercises you’re already good at, she suggests, they’ll help you stay fit and keep your form sharp.

Potential benefits of changing one’s fitness routine

Good things about changing your routine, according to Dr Singh:

*Keeps things fresh: You won’t get bored and quit! Trying new things can be fun.

*Gets you stronger in different ways: Different exercises work different muscles, so you’ll be an all-around exercise machine!

*Helps prevent injuries: Doing the same thing over and over can stress your body. Changing things up keeps things interesting for your muscles and joints.

It might feel a little harder at first when you learn new exercises, but it is important to learn the correct form. This, Singh admits, helps prevent injuries. If you keep switching things up, it might be harder to perfect your form in each exercise.

It’s always a good idea to listen to your body and adjust your routine accordingly. (Source: Freepik)

What role does varying the routine play in maximising fitness gains and preventing plateaus?

“Your body is amazing! When you exercise regularly, it’s like giving your muscles a workout. At first, they’re weak and get sore easily. But over time, they get stronger and more efficient, just like getting good at a video game,” Dr Singh assures.

The problem is, if you keep doing the same exercises all the time, your muscles get used to it and stop improving as much. 

“That’s where changing things up helps. New exercises are like new challenges for your muscles. They have to work a little harder to adapt, which can make them even stronger,” Dr Singh shares. 

However, here’s the catch: if you change things too often, your muscles might not have enough time to get good at anything new. So the trick is to find a balance.

Dr Singh recommends keeping some exercises that you enjoy – these are your old favourites that keep you fit. Throw in some new stuff every now and then as this keeps things interesting and helps you get even stronger. Listen to your body, if you’re sore all the time, slow down the changes.

Specific indicators or signs that suggest it’s time to change or modify one’s fitness routine

There are some clear signs that tell you it’s time to shake things up with your workout routine, Dr Singh agrees. Here are a few to watch out for:

*Stopped seeing results (hitting a plateau): This is a big one. If you’ve been doing the same exercises for a while and haven’t seen any change in weight loss, strength gains, or endurance for a few weeks, it’s time to switch things up.

*Feeling bored or unmotivated: Let’s face it, exercise should be enjoyable! If you’re dreading your workouts, it might be because they’ve become repetitive.

*Muscle soreness that lingers: Some soreness is normal after a tough workout, but if you’re constantly sore, it could be a sign you’re overdoing a particular exercise or muscle group. Changing your routine can help distribute the stress and prevent injuries.

*Sudden difficulty completing workouts: Maybe you used to breeze through your routine, but now you find yourself struggling. This could mean your body has adapted and needs a new challenge.

*Increased risk of injury: Doing the same movements repeatedly can stress certain joints and tissues. Changing your routine can help prevent overuse injuries.

*Remember: These are just some general signs. It’s always a good idea to listen to your body and adjust your routine accordingly. If you’re unsure or have any concerns, talking to a certified trainer or physiotherapist can be helpful. They can create a personalised plan that keeps things interesting and helps you reach your fitness goals safely and effectively.

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