The Great Indian Job Shuffle: LinkedIn finds 88% of professionals hunting for new jobs in 2024 and we’re here to help

Post At: Feb 14/2024 09:10PM

Forget ‘New Year, New Me’. In 2024, it’s more like ‘New Year, New Job!’ A whopping 88 per cent of Indian professionals, according to LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional network, are actively seeking new career opportunities.

This means that nearly nine in 10 professionals in India are considering a new job in 2024, marking a 4 per cent increase in year-over-year growth as compared to 2023, marking a significant shift in attitudes and signalling a major shakeup in the job market.

Several factors are fuelling this exodus. One of them is stagnation, which Ayushi Vats, a 27-year-old stuck in her current job for two years, has been feeling. “I feel like I am not learning anything substantially new, and I can do my work sleepwalking. It feels scary to think that this is how I will spend the next few years so I am pushing myself to change jobs even though I love comfort and stability,” Vats said.

Akansha Sinha, a 26-year-old media professional, also shares Vats’s sentiments, adding that she “wants to give herself the liberty to learn more”.

For some, this change is brought on by the post-pandemic shift in priorities. The pandemic forced us to reconsider what truly matters. For 25-year-old media professional Srishti Mittal, it made her “limited” off-time not to be messed with, along with a want to evolve her skill set.

“I sometimes feel that my work environment does not allow for enough experimentation in my workday, and putting extra time into additional projects takes time away from the limited off-time I get every week,” Mittal said.

Many Indians are prioritising work-life balance (42 per cent) and higher salaries (37 per cent) instead of settling for unfulfilling roles, according to LinkedIn’s report.

How to navigate the job search process (Source: File/ Rep)

It also noted that the shrinking talent pool means that employers need to up their game. Lack of growth opportunities, rigid work cultures, and inadequate compensation are pushing employees, like 25-year-old Faiza Khanum to explore greener pastures. “I am unhappy and don’t feel good in my current work environment, especially since there is not enough scope to improve within my particular team. I also don’t feel the management is very cooperative and well put together,” Khanum said.

All of this is going to fuel much more competition, according to Nirajita Banerjee, career expert and senior managing editor for LinkedIn India. So if you are to be successful in your job hunt, professionals need to stand out. But fret not, for we are here to help.

How to navigate the job search process

1. Define your goals and tailor your approach

Before diving headfirst into the job market, take a moment to define your career goals. Understand your long-term aspirations and identify roles that align with your skills and interests.

Lokesh Nigam, co-founder and CEO of, emphasised the importance of targeting roles that complement your career trajectory. “Tailor your resume to highlight relevant skills and experiences, and ensure your online profiles are up to date. Remember, a clear understanding of your objectives will guide your job search strategy,” Nigam said.

2. Prepare for interviews with precision

Preparation is key to acing job interviews. Rahul Veerwal, CEO and founder of GetWork, advised leveraging AI-driven tools to gain personalised insights. “Begin by thoroughly researching the company, its products, and recent developments. Practice answering common interview questions and seek feedback to refine your communication skills. During the interview, demonstrate your interest and engagement by asking insightful questions. By showcasing your knowledge and enthusiasm, you will increase your chances of making a lasting impression,” Veerwal explained in an interaction with

3. Embrace continuous learning and upskilling

In today’s competitive job market, continuous learning is essential for staying relevant and adaptable.

Hitesh Gupta, co-founder and CTO of Park+, emphasised the importance of upskilling regardless of job status. “Whether you are between jobs or currently employed, invest in developing new skills and staying updated on industry trends. Platforms like GetWork and LinkedIn offer recommendations for certifications and programs, enhancing your employability and bridging the gap between education and industry needs,” Gupta said.

4. Dos and don’ts of job hunting

When searching for a new job, it is essential to approach the process strategically. Banerjee, who is a career expert at LinkedIn India, shared valuable dos and don’ts.

  • Tailor your resume for each application, leverage networking opportunities, and maintain a positive online presence.
  • Avoid generic applications and negative remarks about previous employers.
  • By adopting a proactive and professional approach, you will position yourself as a top candidate in the eyes of recruiters.

5. Ensure mutual fit for success

Finding the right job goes beyond meeting job requirements; it is about cultural alignment and mutual fit. Rohet Ramesh, director of Layam Group, highlighted the importance of assessing cultural compatibility and aligning values.

“Research company culture, ask relevant questions during interviews, and evaluate growth opportunities. By prioritising mutual fit, you will set yourself up for success and fulfilment in your new role,” Ramesh said.

6. Explore diverse avenues for job hunting

Finally, broaden your job search horizons by exploring diverse avenues. From online job boards to professional networking platforms, there are numerous channels to discover new opportunities.

Veerwal suggested leveraging company career pages, attending industry events, and seeking referrals from within your network. “Stay proactive and engaged, and consider unconventional avenues like freelance platforms for temporary opportunities. By casting a wide net, you will increase your chances of finding the perfect job match,” Veerwal said.

Navigating the job search process requires a combination of strategy, preparation, and adaptability. By defining your goals, embracing continuous learning, and leveraging diverse avenues for job hunting, you will position yourself for success in your career transition journey.

So, take the first step with confidence, and let your passion and expertise shine through as you embark on this exciting new chapter.

Workplace Wellbeing is a weekly series about the ins and outs of our work lives.

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