Should you ditch brown rice and go back to eating white rice again?

Post At: Mar 31/2024 04:10PM

In the age of busting myths and debunking claims, many believed that brown rice is indeed much healthier than white rice, with several experts agreeing with it to be true. 

But, in came the onslaught of backlash against those who supported this claim. In one of the many reels posted on Instagram about the subject, author, and advocate of the ‘bulletproof’ diet, Dave Asprey, declared that just because brown rice has more fibre, it does not necessarily make it more healthy than white rice. 

He continued, “Brown rice has a whole bunch of lectins, it shreds your gut, and it’s got 80 times more arsenic than white rice. That’s why every rice-eating culture on the planet peels their rice unless you’re too poor to peel your rice.”

Clinical dietician and certified diabetes educator Kanikka Malhotra explains on the contrary, it is true that “the processing of white rice significantly impacts its nutritional value compared to brown rice.”

She adds that during the processing, white rice loses the most nutritious parts of the grain, namely the fibrous bran and nutritious germ, leaving it with fewer essential nutrients. 

“Although manufacturers enrich white rice to replace some nutrients, it still falls short of the nutritional level found in brown rice,” she states. 

Many have debated whether brown rice is better than white rice (Source: Freepik)

Specific health benefits or drawbacks associated with consuming brown rice versus white rice

Malhotra says that both types of rice have certain benefits and drawbacks, and one can choose which one to consume based on their personal preferences and goals. She agrees with Asprey to some degree, but stresses that the benefits of brown rice outweigh the drawbacks, and choosing smartly is the key: 

Brown rice

  • Benefits: Rich in fibre, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, brown rice can help regulate blood sugar, reduce heart disease risk, aid in weight management, and promote overall health. 
  • Drawbacks: Contains phytic acid and higher levels of arsenic, which may impact mineral absorption and pose concerns if consumed excessively, particularly for pregnant individuals. 

Brown rice’s high fibre content, while beneficial for digestion, can lead to digestive discomforts like bloating and gas, especially for individuals not accustomed to a high-fibre diet.  This can be a potential drawback for vegans transitioning to or consuming significant amounts of brown rice in their diet. 

The essential oils present in the germ of brown rice can cause it to spoil faster than white rice, potentially leading to food waste if not stored properly. This shorter shelf life due to the higher fat content can be a practical drawback for some consumers.

White rice

  • Benefits: Enriched white rice provides essential nutrients like B vitamins and iron, making it a convenient source of energy. 
  • Drawbacks: Lacks fibre and some nutrients present in brown rice, potentially leading to quicker digestion, fluctuations in blood sugar levels, and reduced satiety compared to brown rice. 

Should you choose white rice over brown rice?

According to Malhotra, both types of rice can be consumed based on what a person’s fitness and nutrition goals are. However, she supports the consumption of brown rice for the following reasons: 

Blood sugar levels

Brown rice’s higher fibre content helps regulate blood sugar levels more effectively than white rice, making it a better choice for individuals managing diabetes or prediabetes. 

Weight management 

Brown rice’s fibre content promotes satiety and can aid in weight management by keeping individuals full for longer periods, potentially reducing overall calorie intake. 

Overall health 

Incorporating brown rice into a balanced diet can offer more nutrients and health benefits compared to white rice, supporting heart health, weight control, and overall well-being.

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