Are your screens taking over your high spirits? Embrace digital minimalism this year

Post At: Mar 22/2024 04:10PM
By: Gary

Inspired by a book written by Cal Newport called Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World, digital minimalism is a concept that everyone is, consciously or subconsciously, beginning to integrate into their lives. 

Putting the devices aside and living in the moment has become even more important after the world was introduced to the dangers of artificial intelligence and its potential ability to take over our lives completely. Practicing digital minimalism helps limit the use of technology and protect us from its harmful effects, promoting better mental health, productivity and self-awareness.

Sidhharrth S Kumaar, life coach, NumroVani describes digital minimalism as “value-based, judicious and intentional” use of technology. He explains that this lifestyle helps get rid of “digital clutter” and gives more meaning to “quality over quantity in digital interactions with no negative effects on the mind, body and soul.” 

Dr Rahul Chandhok, head consultant, mental health and behavioural science at Artemis Hospital Gurugram adds, “The idea is to minimise distractions and maximise productivity, creativity, and overall well-being. People practicing digital minimalism eliminate unnecessary apps, limit screen time, set boundaries on digital usage, and increase their participation in offline activities like reading, spending time with loved ones, or pursuing hobbies.”

Effects of excessive screen time 

Spending a lot of screen time can prove to be very detrimental to health. Dr Aditi Govitrikar explains that spending excessive time on the screen can dull our senses. 

Today we have become addicted to their devices as our brain releases dopamine, the pleasure hormone, whenever they get a delayed gratification in the form of likes, follows, messages, etc. “Excessive screen time and digital inundation profoundly impact our psychological well-being, fragmenting our attention and undermining our capacity for sustained focus and meaningful engagement with the world around us. Consequently, we may experience feelings of disconnection, dissatisfaction, and heightened symptoms of anxiety and depression in certain cases,” says psychotherapist Kareena Mehta. 

Kumaar elaborates that digital overload can affect the wellbeing of individuals significantly. This is indicated through several symptoms that are commonly ignored including impaired quality of sleep, lack of authentic relationships, reduced attention span and empathy, information fatigue, sedentary lifestyle leading to the rise of various lifestyle diseases. 

Psychological benefits of embracing digital minimalism

Digital minimalism opens the path towards a better, purpose-driven life. Improved focus, productivity, and mental clarity are just some benefits of adopting this concept. Dr Govitrikar emphasises on the alarming rate at which people’s attention spans are reducing, with excessive screen time being the culprit.

Kumaar says that digital minimalism helps us become more self-aware as it allows more time for self-reflection. In his opinion it allows time for introspection of our own emotions and connection to the true self, along with more efficiency in work due to the removal of digital distractions.

Putting the devices aside and living in the moment has become important today (Source: Freepik)

Mehta elaborates, “This approach enhances productivity, focus, and mental clarity by intentionally minimising digital distractions” She adds that it encourages one to take a step back and reflect “aiding individuals in accessing their innate cognitive abilities”. Digital minimalism is the answer, she says, as it can help enhance creativity, build resilience and foster a sense of psychological well-being.

How to reduce screen time

Kumaar suggests a few simple techniques to reduce digital distractions and cultivate a healthier relationship with technology:

  • Set specific times to interact with technology and minimise distractions by turning off the notifications
  • Schedule regular breaks from technology, go on a digital detox.
  • Define a few areas or timings in your house when all family members have to keep their devices aside such as in bedrooms, while having meals etc.
  • Engage in a physical activity such as practicing personalised yoga and meditationl
  • Fix a specific time to wake up and sleep every day
  • Go for a walk after you wake up, preferably in nature or practice yoga and meditation.  Before going to sleep, practice gratitude by writing in a journal or talking to family or a friend.

You can take help from technology to reduce your time on it as well! There are several mindfulness as well as productivity apps that can act as catalysts in helping you quickly integrate digital minimalism into your life. Dr Chandhok agrees, “Many productivity apps allow users to track their digital usage, providing insights into their habits and behaviors. Some productivity apps offer features like time tracking, scheduling, and task management, helping users establish clear boundaries for their digital usage.”

By leveraging these tools, you can speed up your progress in reducing screen time and understand more about your patterns online in order to be able to make substantial changes that will help you reach your goal. 

Ultimately, we can all agree that technology is great. Our lives would not be as convenient as they are without it. Easy access to information, apps, friends, family, professional communities; all of that has been possible because of the devices that we use on a daily basis. But, let’s not forget that true happiness does not lie within our screens, it is only present outside. Until we learn to manage and make conscious reductions in the use of technology, we will continue to feel unfulfilled and overwhelmed in our lives.

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